New Aleydis Centers
December 9, 2009
Is your mother or grandmother getting her
teeth cleaned in the hair salon or having foot surgery in the shower?
A state of the art revolutionary new healthcare
center, known as the Aleydis Center, can provide much needed healthcare services to
residents of Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) nationwide. Studies have shown that two out
of every three Americans who reach the age of 65 will need long term care services or support.
According to the Assisted Living Federation of America, aging in America has changed due to
life saving drugs that allow millions to manage chronic health conditions which may have required
hospitalization or nursing home care in the past. "Assisted living has become synonymous with a
philosophy of care that allows seniors to age with dignity, independence, and choice," said Richard
Grimes, the President and CEO of the Assisted Living Federation of America, the nation's leading
association for professionally managed assisted living providers.
After 18 months of research and consultation
with the best minds in the medical industry, it was concluded that the need for such a center
in ALFs across the country exists and is not only an added amenity for these facilities and their
residents, but someday may be mandated by our government. It is assumed that when families are
"shopping" for a facility for their loved ones that care given on site at an ALF is of the
highest level, especially when one considers that facilities have hair salons, pharmacies, big
screen televisions, and workout equipment. However, there is no current on-site facility to
provide care that emphasizes infection control, privacy, accurate record keeping or dignity.
Most people are shocked to learn that medical care is often rendered in the residents's bed,
common areas, the hair salon or in a chair placed in the placed in the residents shower if the
procedure is more complex. In fact, Jennifer Granholm, the Governor of Michigan, has ordered a
a study on the matter.
Aleydis Centers LLC of St Joseph, Michigan is the only company in the
world to design, install, service, and supply a treatment room through which various health care providers can rotate. Dentistry,
podiatry, cardiology, dermatology, sudiology, optometry, psychiatry, and physical therapy are all medical services that can be
performed at an Aleydis Center. There are also 1,400 service technicians ready to service the Centers.
Aleydis Centers are identical, insuring ease of use and conformity of care
and are designed with patented components. Each Center provides a multi-funtional, sterilized, medical hub which can be designed
to integrate into the existing facility plan or via new construction. Off-site emergency care will be improved as the facility plan
features electronic medical record keeping and imaging capabilities which allow for easy transmission for referral and emergency
room needs. Aleydis Centers can also be the designated location for consultations with providers and for emergency care in
the unlikely event of a disaster.
With a 40% turnover rate in assisted living facilities, it is becoming
increasingly apparent that existing facilities will need to expand the services offered to their residents while thinking
of expanding their existing facilities to accomodate new residents. "Needs driven products are the ones doing best and
holding their own," said Mike Leader, the President and CEO of Country Meadows Retirement Communities, a family owned
business based in Pennsylvania.
The average age of assisted living residents
in our nation is 85, and female residents outnumber male residents by 3 to 1. The US
Census Bureau reports that the fastest growing demographic in our nation is the very old.
Seniors are not only living decades longer than their parents and grandparents, but they
are healthier and more active. Study after study show that older Americans want to remain
in their communities as they age and stay near friends, family, and the familiar.
It is a fact, that access to standard health
care becomes more and more burdensome as one ages. Senior citizens often lose their driving
privileges, becoming reliant on family members or hiring adjunct care givers to them to
doctors offices for appointments. No longer will seniors put off their care or suffer in
silence not wanting to be an inconvenience to their families. No longer will these individuals
be shuttled to and from doctors' offices exposed to other infections of fearful of slipping
on the ice in winter months.
The merits of an Aleydis Center are numerous, and the overall
increase in access to care is capturing the attention of the nation's largest Assisted Living Facility owner/operators.
The addition of an Aleydis Center within an ALF will demonstrate the ALF's committment to outstanding care for their
Dr. Stuart Boekeloo
Aleydis Centers LLC

Dr. Stuart Boekeloo, MBA '90, Asks More of Business
December 9, 2009
Dr. Stuart Boekeloo, MBA '90,
never thought he'd be creating a company that could revolutionize the way care
is administered to those who are unable to transport themselves to health care
facilities. Read about Dr. Stuart Boekeloo, in his own words

Michigan Senator John Proos again pushing for exam rooms for nursing homes.
October 10, 2015
The Senate Health Policy Committee on Tuesday heard testimony from state Sen. John Proos
and Dr. Stuart Boekeloo, a dentist from St. Joseph, on the senator's legislation to require
nursing homes to have private rooms for medical and dental treatment. The committee heard
reports of teeth being pulled in a nursing home's beauty salon and bunions being removed
in shower stalls. Read more

Could unique treatment room help treat Ebola patients?
October 21, 2014
As the concern over the spread of Ebola grows,
interest is growing in one local doctor's unique treatment room. WSBT's Denise Bohn shows us the
room. Read more here.
Nursing Homes Are Starting to Supplant Hospitals as Focus of Basic Health Care
 April 24, 2015
When Mr. Sapoznick was weakened by anemia in
February, it came as a relief to learn that instead of going to an emergency room and waiting
to be admitted, he could receive an outpatient blood transfusion at nearby Montefiore Medical
Center. Read more